Appreciation for Megan’s Writing


“Megan is a gifted writer who is able to distill every drop of emotion, humor, and meaning from her life’s stories, and her storytelling invites you to become part of the family.”

“Megan tells the stories so well and the words just flow. All have an orchestral like quality to the ending — a last note that punctuates and the audience is still for a lingering moment before exhaling and breaking into applause.”

“Megan has a great talent. Her stories flow together well and create a feeling of her family, mom and dad, and the world of her childhood.”

Appreciation for Megan’s Interview Skills

“When my memoir, Ninety-Nine Fire Hoops, came out in 2021, Megan did the most thoughtful, meaningful, and powerful author interview with me –– a collaborative experience I’ll remember for a long time. Her questions were intelligent and compassionate. It’s obvious that she has a deep love and respect for humanity. I couldn’t have asked for a better interviewer to work with. I’m proud to say that in my writer’s toolbox, which contains Scrivener and, Megan’s contact info is a prized possession.”

Allison Hong Merrill, award-winning author of Ninety-Nine Fire Hoops